Tuesday 15 September 2009

Updateee- 'Fall in love, not off the roof'

Anyone been on the Byker Bridge lately? You may know this (Awesome) bridge as your quickest escape route from Shields Road (Bykers high street- quite savage), or as the roof whenever you're in the Ouseburn, sampling one of the very nice bars down there, or even just as a good place to catch a perfect little bit of scenery as the Ouse runs into the Tyne. However, it has recently become something a bit more than that, a place to see just how awesome one can be when in love.

If you do use the bridge as a viewing point for that nice little scene I mentioned earlier, you will have seen the carpet warehouse that resides to the right of the frame. It is huge, with a large bright RED roof (Capitals because red is awesome). Across this red shelter, there used to be the word 'CARPETS' written in large white type.

Not so long ago, however, a gent who found himself with free time on his hands and love in his heart climbed the dizzy heights of that warehouse and messed around with the lettering, until it read 'I LOVE U'. The first time I saw it my heart swelled. Imagine being that in love that you feel like you have to actually do that just to let the other peson know!

I do not know who did it, but I heard it was a dude, as opposed to a dudette. I guess his girlfriend/wife/suitor of any kind, is pretty awesome, and I'd say that the guy who did it is pretty crucial too. It's a super sweet thing to do. Check it out next time you're running away from Shields Road.


  1. Hi there,

    Please take a sec and sign my petition, which can be found linked to my blog, asking Canada's PM to include animal rights in the constitution, and ask others to sign too!


  2. i actually love this, wanna take a trip to see it now....

